I wanted to share with you a voice in my mind...!
A questioning voice that makes me to ask myself, "Why...?"
A question I cannot comprehend how to find the possible answer of....!
Bhoja Air Crash, Karachi to Islamabad was such a sudden downfall of the spirit that makes us feel the Pakistani pride. Some blame media for this as they showed very gruesome footages of the incident repeatedly. Which made me wonder if we still have an institution called PEMRA(Pakistan Electronic Media Regularity Authority).It all happened right after the PTI Quetta Jalsa which gave us such high hopes of bringing Pakistanis together....!
Things happen...!
we all move on but then I came across a comment from a high up official in Islamabad who told a political news anchor that there is no need to give coverage to the plane crash on your show(a well known political show) because, "jahaaz to girtay rehtay hain". (Planes fall all the time). Either this official doesn’t fly at all or has very little knowledge of how airline industry works. In Europe, from 2002 to 2011 there were 32.12 million flights and only 5 fatal events recorded. This is just Europe, if we look at it globally, aviation accidents are very rare. “If a passenger boarded a flight at random, once a day, everyday, it would statistically be over 21,000 years before he or she would be killed.” Click here to see the source of this info....!
I think the statistical evidence I mentioned above is enough to prove that planes do not fall all the time. Here is the LINK from where I got this info....!
I then came across a Pakistani from Karachi who had heard this comment from official somewhere and was telling me how upset he felt. He felt that this comment had a racist background because, “all those in Islamabad, the establishment, have always hated Karachiites, they hate urdu-speaking, and could care less how many urdu-speaking families or karachiites die.” It shows that his reaction to that comment is not random, it’s obviously built over a period of time....!
Then I remembered just the day before when someone pointed out an extreme view of a journalist against Qadianis. We all have our point of views on different issues and we all think that we are right. But a journalist should be held responsible when he makes such an extreme comment considering the current polarised society in Pakistan. Journalists have huge responsibility and they should not act like this. It's not about what the journalist said but more about why this video was pointed out. Someone felt it was unfair that people feel such hatred. I started to imagine how they must have felt living in Pakistan and hearing people spew hate...!
The other day I saw two people from Balochistan talking about those who do not have the Baloch decent in a way that showed just how much hate they have in their heart...!
I also remembered the recent cricket Pak vs Bangladesh. While Pakistan played like they were playing with their little brother... Bangladesh took no time to show Pakistan how much they hate Pakistan...!
Although Bangladesh is no longer part of Pakistan...!
But I feel the same exact hate exist within Pakistan...!
I was not raised to think of myself as Balochi or Punjabi or Urdu speaking or Pathan or Sindhi or any other ethnic backgroud...!
I was only told about all the good stuff of each province...!
But the current reality is very different and there is no way for me to answer this questioning voice of mine...!
Am Saying Only these Few Words...!This Is Not Right...!
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