Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) said: Allah turns towards his creation in the Night of "MID-SHABAN" and He forgives all of them except for a Mushrik and one who hates other people [Az Zawaid #12860].
Prophet Muhammad (sws) has also been quoted as having said:
"Allah looks at His creation during the night of the 15th of Sha'ban and He forgives His servants except two- one intent on hatred (mushanin) and a murderer (qatilu nafs).
“ When the night of the middle of Shabaan comes, Allah descends to the lowest Heaven and says, “Is there anyone begging for forgiveness that I might forgive him? Is there anyone begging for sustenance that I may feed him? Is there any such and such?” And we are told that Allah stays at this lowest heaven ready to accede to our legitimate requests until the break of dawn.”
“This is Laylat-ul-Barat, this is the fifteenth of Sha’baan, a very great night. In this night you should be attentive in the worship of Allah, for this is the night of accounting. Whichever child is to be born during the coming year is written down on the list on this night, and the name of whoever is going to pass away in the coming year is deleted from the list.”
On this night, perform Nawaafil, recite the Qur'an, Durood Shareef, Kalima Tayyibah, and seek forgiveness.
As for the other narrations concerning the 15th of Sha'baan (which are not believed authentic), the Hanafi scholar, Shaikh Mulla 'Alee al-Qaaree (d.1014H) records some of these hadith:
In another narration, the following people have also been mentioned:
- One who deals in usury (Riba),
- One who wears his trousers below his ankle with pride and arrogance (In Arabia, people displayed their wealth and boasted in this manner),
- One who creates disunity among two Muslims,
- The person who unjustly takes away the right and property of another Muslim and has not yet rectified himself.
All these persons do not receive mercy of Allah at all time, as well as on this auspicious Night. A humble appeal to seek pardon and ask Allah’s forgiveness,
Also on this night the Doors of Mercy and Forgiveness are opened wide,and those who sincerely grieve over and repent for their past sins and seek forgiveness from Allah are pardoned and forgiven by Allah...!
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