One Ummah , One Body , One Nation...!

The Muslim world is in a crisis. Our Muslim lands from all the way in Africa to the Middle East and then the furthest east in Asia are under attack and in turmoil like never before. Even Muslims in non-Muslim countries are having a hard time fighting for their basic human rights. Indeed the Prophecy of Prophet (P.B.U.H) is becoming a reality all around the world.

Thawban RadiyAllaahu 'Anhu), narrates that the Prophet (
P.B.U.H) said: " Soon the nations will gather against you , just as people call one another for a feast ." A man asked : " Will this be because we will be few in number , O Messenger of ALLAH ?" He (P.B.U.H) replied : " No , you will be large in number , but you will be useless like the scum of the sea , and Allah will remove the fear that your enemies used to posses of you from their hearts , and shall place in your hearts Wahn ." Those present asked : " What is Wahn , O Messenger of ALLAH ?"
He replied : " The love of dunya, and hate of death ."
[Sahih: Sunan Abu Dawud (4297)]

The most unfortunate aspect of all of this is actually the state of the Muslim Ummah. How can Musims beg for help and run after the enemies of Islam , when ALLAH has Told us otherwise and when we should turn to ALLAH Alone?

" Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your allies : they are but allies of one another and whoever of you allies himself with them becomes , verily , one of them .." [Al Qur'an: 5:51]

The Muslims are used to pretending being deaf and blind when their brothers and sisters in Islam are being massacred right before their eyes in neighbouring countries. Not only that, the Muslim leaders honour and reward the non-Muslim leaders of the  “ super power ” countries, when they are the very ones attacking our nations . Yet these Muslim leaders find it hard to make a statement against the oppression and violence taking place against the Muslims, let alone supporting or fighting for their brothers and sisters in Islam .

Has not our Prophet (
P.B.U.H) told us that -

" Believers are like a single person ; if his eye is in pain , his whole body pains , and if his head is in pain , his whole body pains ." [Muslim]

How can we expect ALLAH Support, when we abandon our own brothers and sisters in Islam? Nay, many of us are rather busy pointing fingers , making divisions and hatred among each other making yet another Prophecy come true when the Prophet (
P.B.U.H) said :

“The Shaytaan has despaired of being worshipped in the Arabian Peninsula, but he will sow seeds of discord among them.” [Muslim (2812)].

“ The shaytaan is the wolf of man like the wolf of sheep takes the stray sheep and the one that wanders far . Beware of division , and adhere to the jamaa’ah .” [Hasan: Ahmad (22029)]

“ And hold fast , all together , by the rope which ALLAH (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves .”[Al Qur’an 3:103]

As a matter of fact many of us are busy fighting and killing our own brothers and sisters while the enemies enjoy ‘dividing and conquering’ us. Is it not it only a matter of time when our voices will be silenced as well and people will be walking past us with a deaf ear and blind eye ? Our enemies do not make distinctions when attacking us, then why do we do that amongst ourselves, when we believe in the “ Kalimah ”, and share the same heart - subservient to none other than Allah (swt) ? No flag , culture or name can compare to that. How can we find excuses to be divided when we all as an Ummah believe in the same Qur’an and Sunnah which has been Preserved ? How can we expect victory when so many of us have left the Deen for frantically chasing after the Dunya ? Copying more and more of the disbelievers ; when the Sahaaba used the Dunya only for the sake of the Deen and the Pleasure of Allah (swt)?

Has not ALLAH Told us in the Qur’an:

" And I ( ALLAH ) did not Create the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me ( Alone ).." [Al Qur'an 51:56]

Once Muslims were feared and honoured all over the world , now we are being humiliated at every front. If we were united as one, we would not need to turn to anyone else. We only need turn to ALLAH Who is the King of all kings , the true Super Power .

" To Him ( ALLAH ) Belongs whatever is on the heavens and the earth .." [Al Qur'an: 2:255]

".. verily ALLAH has Power over all things ." [Al Qur'an: 2:148]

" He ( ALLAH ) knows what is in the Heavens and what is on Earth  . And ALLAH has Power over all things ..” [Al Qur'an: 3:29]

Islam will be victorious with or without us . This is ALLAH Promise . May ALLAH Keep us on the winning side , His side : the path of righteousness , AMEEN
So let us wake up Muslim brothers and sisters while we are breathing and still have a chance, and unite as one body, strive for our Deen and support one another in ALLAH cause. United we stand , divided we fall .

May ALLAH unite our hearts as one and help us to be successful and victorious in our Deen , AMEEN...!


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